Now your little ones can carry your heart with them wherever they go. I had so much fun making this heart-shaped bag and I can’t wait to give it to little Scarlet on Valentine’s Day.

but the pressure is on. Hope I can make it live up to her expectations, let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions.

I made this bag with canvas for the straps and lining (so it’s nice and stuff) and a cotton print for the outside. If you choose to do yours in all cotton, you’ll want to also cut two pieces of interfacing in your heart shape and iron to your cotton facings.
I sewed in place with some regular sewing machine stitches in a bunch of different colors to mimic a vintage-y style arrow. I also glue a felt heart to the tip.

Now you want to turn your hearts over and lay the pattern aligned on top. Fold the pattern back at the dart line like so:

Repeat on the opposite side of the heart, then draw a straight line from the tip of the v to the point where your two darts lines meet:

Fold the heart in half, right sides facing, using the straight line as a guide, and sew up the dart line you drew:

Set all your hearts aside and let’s make our straps. I am using straight canvas for my straps, but if you are using cotton, iron interfacing first. So start by folding in half along the length and ironing:

Now lay the front of your bag right side up and use the pattern to mark where your strap will go on each side.

Now lay your lining piece right side up, put your front piece with the straps sewn on right side down on top. So right sides are facing. Carefully pin the lining and front together:

Here’s a pic to show you how the unsewn edges are ironed under. This helps give us a guideline when we sew them together later.

Lift the lining out of your way, and pin the outside pieces of your bag together right sides facing:

Flip the sewn together outer bag right side out, but leave the lining as is. You can pin together, but canvas is hard to pin so I used clips. 

Now, if you are not lazy like me, you could slip stitch the lining closed – then you would have a fully reversible bag (nice), but it was late so I sewed the lining closed with a straight stitch:

Feel the love.
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