
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sew Fabric Daffodils–3 Ways

you’ll need five 4” squares and one 1 1/2 x 20” strip of fabric and a small circle of felt, about 1” across.  For this first version, you’ll also need a 2” square of fabric.  In the photo above, the first one is on the far right.
daffodil 1
Fold a square in half with wrong sides together.  The fold is at the top.
daffodil 2
Fold one upper corner down to the center bottom.
daffodil 3
Fold the other upper corner down to the center to create a triangle.
daffodil 4
Pin in place.  Repeat with the other four squares.  Fold the long strip in half and lay on top of the triangle with the raw edges together.  With knotted thread and needle, start on one end and take long stitches near the edge through all layers.
daffodil 5
Add the next triangle and continue stitching, repeating until all triangles are attached to the strip.
daffodil 6
If the strip is longer than your triangles, cut off the excess.  Gather tightly.  Stitch ends together and knot thread.
daffodil 8
Holding the petals, pull up on the gathered strip in the center so it stands up from the flower.
daffodil 9
Turn the flower over and glue a felt circle on the bottom with hot glue.
daffodil 11
Stitch large stitches around the 2” square.  Gather and knot.  Glue into center of flower with the gathered side down.
daffodil 14
For the second version, far left in the photo above, you’ll need the same cuts of fabric, excluding the 2” square.  Prepare the triangles the same way, but instead of sewing the triangles and strip together, just sew the triangles together by themselves.  Stitch a long running stitch near the raw edge of the folded strip.  Gather.
daffodil 15
Stitch the ends together.  Stitch through some of the folds on the outside to keep them standing upright.
daffodil 16
Prepare flower with the felt circle on the back, then sew or stitch the center to the flower.
daffodil 016
For the last, and my favorite, prepare the flower the same way as the second one above, including gluing the felt circle to the back.  For the center, cut the strip down to 12”.  Stitch the ends with right sides together.
daffodil 17
Fold in half with wrong sides together and stitch near edge.
daffodil 18
Pull the thread to gather.  Knot thread.
daffodil 19
Glue into the center of the flower.
daffodil 21
You can glue a ribbon loop to the back to hang these.  I knew I wanted to put them in a little vase, so I covered a wood skewer with floral tape and glued it to the back.
daffodil 22
It’s amazing how a few bright flowers can make March snow a little more bearable.
daffodil 23

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